Managing an Application

This is a high-level, technical description of how Drycc works. It ties together many of the concepts you’ll encounter while writing, configuring, deploying and running applications on the Drycc platform.

Track Application Changes

Drycc Workflow tracks all changes to your application. Application changes are the result of either new application code pushed to the platform (via git push drycc master), or an update to application configuration (via drycc config:set KEY=VAL).

Each time a build or config change is made to your application a new release is created. These release numbers increase monotonically.

You can see a record of changes to your application using drycc releases:

$ drycc releases
OWNER    STATE      VERSION    CREATED                 SUMMARY
dev      succeed    v3         2023-12-04T10:17:46Z    dev deleted PIP_INDEX_URL, DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC
dev      succeed    v2         2023-12-01T10:20:22Z    dev added IMAGE_PULL_POLICY, PIP_INDEX_URL, PORT, DISABLE_COLLEC[...]
dev      succeed    v1         2023-11-30T17:54:57Z    dev created initial release

Rollback a Release

Drycc Workflow also supports rolling back go previous releases. If buggy code or an errant configuration change is pushed to your application, you may rollback to a previously known, good release.

!!! note All rollbacks create a new, numbered release. But will reference the build/code and configuration from the desired rollback point.

In this example, the application is currently running release v4. Using drycc rollback v2 tells Workflow to deploy the build and configuration that was used for release v2. This creates a new release named v5 whose contents are the source and configuration from release v2:

$ drycc releases
OWNER    STATE      VERSION    CREATED                 SUMMARY
dev      succeed    v3         2023-12-04T10:17:46Z    dev deleted PIP_INDEX_URL, DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC
dev      succeed    v2         2023-12-01T10:20:22Z    dev added IMAGE_PULL_POLICY, PIP_INDEX_URL, PORT, DISABLE_COLLEC[...]
dev      succeed    v1         2023-11-30T17:54:57Z    dev created initial release

$ drycc rollback v2
Rolled back to v2

$ drycc releases
OWNER    STATE      VERSION    CREATED                 SUMMARY
dev      succeed    v4         2023-12-04T10:20:46Z    dev rolled back to v2
dev      succeed    v3         2023-12-04T10:17:46Z    dev deleted PIP_INDEX_URL, DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC
dev      succeed    v2         2023-12-01T10:20:22Z    dev added IMAGE_PULL_POLICY, PIP_INDEX_URL, PORT, DISABLE_COLLEC[...]
dev      succeed    v1         2023-11-30T17:54:57Z    dev created initial release

Only rollback web process type:

$ drycc rollback v3 web
Rolled back to v3

$ drycc releases
OWNER    STATE      VERSION    CREATED                 SUMMARY
dev      succeed    v5         2023-12-04T10:23:49Z    dev rolled back to v3
dev      succeed    v4         2023-12-04T10:20:46Z    dev rolled back to v2
dev      succeed    v3         2023-12-04T10:17:46Z    dev deleted PIP_INDEX_URL, DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC
dev      succeed    v2         2023-12-01T10:20:22Z    dev added IMAGE_PULL_POLICY, PIP_INDEX_URL, PORT, DISABLE_COLLEC[...]
dev      succeed    v1         2023-11-30T17:54:57Z    dev created initial release

Run One-off Administration Tasks

Drycc applications use one-off processes for admin tasks like database migrations and other commands that must run against the live application.

Use drycc run to execute commands on the deployed application.

$ drycc run 'ls -l'
Running `ls -l`...

total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  553 Dec  2 23:59 LICENSE
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   60 Dec  2 23:59 Procfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   33 Dec  2 23:59
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1622 Dec  2 23:59 pom.xml
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Dec  2 23:59 src
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   25 Dec  2 23:59
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Dec  3 00:00 target

Share an Application

Use drycc perms:add to allow another Drycc user to collaborate on your application.

$ drycc perms:add otheruser view,change,delete
Adding user otheruser as a collaborator for view,change,delete peachy-waxwork... done

Use drycc perms to see who an application is currently shared with, and drycc perms:remove to remove a collaborator.

!!! note Collaborators can do anything with an application that its owner can do, except delete the application.

When working with an application that has been shared with you, clone the original repository and add Drycc’ git remote entry before attempting to git push any changes to Drycc.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'example-java-jetty'... done
$ cd example-java-jetty
$ git remote add -f drycc ssh://[email protected]:2222/peachy-waxworks.git
Updating drycc
From drycc-controller.local:peachy-waxworks
 * [new branch]      master     -> drycc/master

Application Troubleshooting

Applications deployed on Drycc Workflow treat logs as event streams. Drycc Workflow aggregates stdout and stderr from every Container making it easy to troubleshoot problems with your application.

Use drycc logs to view the log output from your deployed application.

$ drycc logs -f
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.5]: INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.8]: INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.0.v20120127
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.5]: INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:10005
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.6]: INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.7]: INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.6]: INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:10006
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.8]: INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.7]: INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:10007
Dec  3 00:30:31 ip-10-250-15-201 peachy-waxworks[web.8]: INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:10008