Platform Monitoring

Platform monitoring to your apps to spot issues in advance and respond to incidents quickly.


We now include a monitoring stack for introspection on a running Kubernetes cluster. The stack includes 4 components:

Architecture Diagram

│ HOST           │                                                        
│  node-exporter │◀──┐                       ┌──────────────────┐         
└────────────────┘   │                       │kube-state-metrics│         
                     │                       └──────────────────┘         
┌────────────────┐   │                               ▲                    
│ HOST           │   │    ┌────────────┐             │                    
│  node-exporter │◀──┼────│ Prometheus │─────────────┘                    
└────────────────┘   │    └────────────┘                                  
                     │          ▲                                         
┌───────────────┐    │          │                                         
│ HOST          │    │          ▼                                         
│  node-exporter│◀───┘    ┌──────────┐                                    
└───────────────┘         │ Grafana  │                                    


Grafana allows users to create custom dashboards that visualize the data captured to the running Prometheus component. By default Grafana is exposed using a service annotation through the router at the following URL: The default login is admin/admin. If you are interested in changing these values please see [Tuning Component Settings][].

Grafana will preload several dashboards to help operators get started with monitoring Kubernetes and Drycc Workflow. These dashboards are meant as starting points and don’t include every item that might be desirable to monitor in a production installation.

Drycc Workflow monitoring by default does not write data to the host filesystem or to long-term storage. If the Grafana instance fails, modified dashboards are lost.

Production Configuration

A production install of Grafana should have the following configuration values changed if possible:

  • Change the default username and password from admin/admin. The value for the password is passed in plain text so it is best to set this value on the command line instead of checking it into version control.
  • Enable persistence
  • Use a supported external database such as mysql or postgres. You can find more information here

On Cluster Persistence

Enabling persistence will allow your custom configuration to persist across pod restarts. This means that the default sqllite database (which stores things like sessions and user data) will not disappear if you upgrade the Workflow installation.

If you wish to have persistence for Grafana you can set enabled to true in the values.yaml file before running helm install.

   # Configure the following ONLY if you want persistence for on-cluster grafana
   # GCP PDs and EBS volumes are supported only
     enabled: true # Set to true to enable persistence
     size: 5Gi # PVC size

Off Cluster Grafana

If you wish to provide your own Grafana instance you can set grafanaLocation in the values.yaml file before running helm install.


Prometheus writes data to the host disk; however, if the prometheus pod dies and comes back on another host, the data will not be recovered. The prometheus graph UI is also exposed through the router allowing users to access the query engine by going to

On Cluster Persistence

You can set node-exporter and kube-state-metrics to true or false in the values.yaml. If you wish to have persistence for Prometheus you can set enabled to true in the values.yaml file before running helm install.

      enabled: true # Set to true to enable persistence
      size: 10Gi # PVC size
  enabled: true
  enabled: true

Off Cluster Prometheus

To use off-cluster Prometheus, please provide the following values in the values.yaml file before running helm install.

  • global.prometheusLocation=off-cluster
  • url = "http://my.prometheus.url:9090"