Mounting volumes for an Application

Drycc supports many types of volumes. A container can use any number of volume types simultaneously.

We can use the blow command to create volumes and mount the created volumes. Drycc create volume support ReadWriteMany, so before deploying drycc, you need to have a StorageClass ready which can support ReadWriteMany. Deploying drycc, set controller.appStorageClass to this StorageClass.

Use drycc volumes to mount a volume for a deployed application’s processes.

$ drycc help volumes
Valid commands for volumes:

volumes:create           create a volume for the application
volumes:list             list volumes in the application
volumes:delete           delete a volume from the application
volumes:client           the client used to manage volume files
volumes:mount            mount a volume to process of the application
volumes:unmount          unmount a volume from process of the application

Use 'drycc help [command]' to learn more.

Create a volume for the application

You can create a csi volume with the drycc volumes:create command.

$ drycc volumes:create myvolume 200M
Creating myvolumes to scenic-icehouse... done

Or use an existing nfs server

$ drycc volumes:create myvolume 200M -t nfs --nfs-path=/
Creating myvolumes to scenic-icehouse... done

List volumes in the application

After volume is created, you can list the volumes in this application.

$ drycc volumes:list
=== scenic-icehouse volumes
--- myvolumes     200M

Mount a volume

The volume which is named myvolumes is created, you can mount the volume with process of the application, use the command of drycc volumes:mount. When volume is mounted, a new release will be created and deployed automatically.

$ drycc volumes:mount myvolumes web=/data/web
Mounting volume... done

And use drycc volumes:list show mount detail.

$ drycc volumes:list
=== scenic-icehouse volumes
--- myvolumes     200M
web               /data/web

If you don’t need the volume, use drycc volumes:unmount to unmount the volume and then use drycc volumes:delete to delete the volume from the application. Before deleting volume, the volume has to be unmounted.

$ drycc volumes:unmount myvolumes web
Unmounting volume... done

$ drycc volumes:delete myvolumes
Deleting myvolumes from scenic-icehouse... done

Use volume client to manage volume files.

Assume the volume which is named myvolumes is created and mounted.

Prepare a file named testfile.

$ echo "testtext" > testfile

Upload. $ drycc volumes:client cp testfile vol://myvolume/ [↑] testfile 100% [==================================================] (5/ 5 B, 355 B/s)

List files in myvolume.

$ drycc volumes:client ls vol://myvolume/
[2024-07-22T15:32:28+08:00]    5    testfile

Delete testfle in myvolume.

$ drycc volumes:client rm vol://myvolume/testfile