Tuning Component Settings
Helm Charts are a set of Kubernetes manifests that reflect best practices for deploying an application or service on Kubernetes.
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Helm Charts are a set of Kubernetes manifests that reflect best practices for deploying an application or service on Kubernetes.
The Drycc Workflow controller and all applications deployed via Workflow are intended (by default) to be accessible as subdomains of the Workflow cluster’s domain.
Deploy hooks allow an external service to receive a notification whenever a new version of your app is pushed to Workflow.
Logs are a stream of time-stamped events aggregated from the output streams of all your app’s running processes. Retrieve, filter, or use syslog drains.
Platform monitoring to your apps to spot issues in advance and respond to incidents quickly.
When readying a Workflow deployment for production workloads, there are some additional recommendations.
Drycc Workflow releases may be upgraded in-place with minimal downtime.
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