Contributor Overview

Interested in contributing to a Drycc project? There are lots of ways to help.

File Bugs & Enhancements

Find a bug? Want to see a new feature? Have a request for the maintainers? Open a Github issue in the applicable repository and we’ll get the conversation started.

Our official support channel is the Drycc #community Slack channel.

Don’t know what the applicable repository for an issue is? Open up in issue in workflow or chat with a maintainer in the Drycc #community Slack channel and we’ll make sure it gets to the right place.

Additionally, take a look at the troubleshooting documentation for common issues.

Before opening a new issue, it’s helpful to search and see if anyone else has already reported the problem. You can search through a list of issues for all Drycc projects here.

Write Documentation

We are always looking to improve and expand our documentation. Most docs reside in the drycc/workflow repository. Simply fork the project, update docs and send us a pull request.

Contribute Code

We are always looking for help improving the core platform, other workloads, tooling, and test coverage. Interested in contributing code? Let’s chat in the Drycc #community Slack channel. Make sure to check out issues tagged easy fix or help wanted.

When you’re ready to begin writing code, review Design Documents and get your Development Environment set up.

By contributing to any Drycc project you agree to its Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). This document was created by the Linux Kernel community and is a simple statement that you, as a contributor, have the legal right to make the contribution.

Triage Issues

If you don’t have time to code, consider helping with triage. The community will thank you for saving them time by spending some of yours. See Triaging Issues for more info.

Share your Experience

Interact with the community on our user mailing list or live in our Drycc #community Slack channel, where you can chat with other Drycc Workflow users any time of day.