Managing resources for an Application

Tools and services for developing, extending, and operating your app.

We can use blow command to create resources and bind which resource is created. This command depend on service-catalog.

Use drycc resources to create and bind a resource for a deployed application.

$ drycc help resources

Valid commands for resources:

resources:services         list all available resource services
resources:plans            list all available plans for an resource services
resources:create           create a resource for the application
resources:list             list resources in the application
resources:describe         get a resource detail info in the application
resources:update           update a resource from the application
resources:destroy          delete a resource from the applicationa
resources:bind             bind a resource to servicebroker
resources:unbind           unbind a resource from servicebroker

Use 'drycc help [command]' to learn more.

List all available resource services

You can list available resource services with one drycc resources:services command

$ drycc resources:services
ID                                      NAME                  UPDATEABLE 
15032a52-33c2-4b40-97aa-ceb972f51509    airflow               true          
b7cb26a4-b258-445c-860b-a664239a67f8    cloudbeaver           true          
9ce3c3ba-33b5-4e4e-a5e9-a338a83d5070    flink                 true          
b80c51a1-957c-4d93-b3d5-efde84cd8031    fluentbit             true          
fff5b6c7-ed85-429b-8265-493e40cc53c7    grafana               true          
412e368f-bf78-4798-92cc-43343119a57d    kafka                 true          
ea2a9b87-fbc4-4e2a-adee-161c1f91d98d    minio                 true          
383f7316-84f3-4955-8491-1d4b02b749c8    mongodb               true          
fbee746b-f3a7-4bef-8b55-cbecfd4c8ac3    mysql-cluster         true          
5975094d-45cc-4e85-8573-f93937d026c7    opensearch            true          
1db95161-7193-4544-8c76-e5ad5f6c03f6    pmm                   true          
5cfb0abf-276c-445b-9060-9aa964ede87d    postgresql-cluster    true          
b8f70264-eafc-4b2f-848e-2ec0d059032b    prometheus            true    
e1fd0d37-9046-4152-a29b-d155c5657c8b    redis                 true          
7d2b64c6-0b59-4f08-a2f5-7b17cea6e5ee    redis-cluster         true          
2e6877df-86e7-4bcc-a869-2a9b6847a465    seaweedfs             true          
4aea5c0f-9495-420d-896a-ffc61a3eced5    spark                 true          
b50db3b5-8d5f-4be9-b8bd-467ecd6cc11d    zookeeper             true

List all available plans for an resource services

You can list all available plans for an resource services with one drycc resources:plans command

$ drycc resources:plans redis
ID                                      NAME              DESCRIPTION                                                       
8d659058-a3b4-4058-b039-cc03a31b9442    standard-128      Redis standard-128 plan which limit resources memory size 128Mi.     
36e3dbec-fc51-4f6b-9baa-e31e316858be    standard-256      Redis standard-256 plan which limit resources memory size 256Mi.     
560817c2-5aa1-41c4-9ee6-a77e3ee552d5    standard-512      Redis standard-512 plan which limit resources memory size 512Mi.     
d544d989-9fb8-43e9-a74e-0840ce1b8f0f    standard-1024     Redis standard-1024 plan which limit resources memory size 1Gi.      
ad51b7bb-9b12-4ffd-8e49-010c0141b263    standard-2048     Redis standard-2048 plan which limit resources memory size 2Gi.      
5097d76e-557c-453f-bdb1-54009e0df78d    standard-4096     Redis standard-4096 plan which limit resources memory size 4Gi.      
be3fa2d0-36d2-47c5-9561-9deffe5ba373    standard-8192     Redis standard-8192 plan which limit resources memory size 8Gi.      
4ca812a8-d7c3-439f-96cd-26523e88400e    standard-16384    Redis standard-16384 plan which limit resources memory size 16Gi.    
b7f2a71f-0d97-48fd-8eed-aab24a7822f3    standard-32768    Redis standard-32768 plan which limit resources memory size 32Gi.    
25c6b5d5-7505-47c8-95b1-dc9bdc698063    standard-65536    Redis standard-65536 plan which limit resources memory size 64Gi.

Create resource in application

You can create a resource with one drycc resources:create command

$ drycc resources:create redis:1000 redis
Creating redis to scenic-icehouse... done

After resources are created, you can list the resources in this application.

$ drycc resources:list
UUID                                    NAME     OWNER    PLAN                  UPDATED              
07220e9e-d54d-4d74-a88c-f464aa374386    redis    admin    redis:standard-128    2024-05-08T01:01:00Z   

Bind resources

The resource which is named redis is created, you can bind the redis to the application, use the command of drycc resources:bind redis.

$ drycc resources:bind redis
Binding resource... done

Describe resources

And use drycc resources:describe show the binding detail. If the binding is successful, this command will show the information of connect to the resource.

$ drycc resources:describe redis
=== scenic-icehouse resource redis
plan:               redis:1000
status:             Ready
binding:            Ready

REDISPORT:          6379
SENTINELPORT:       26379

Update resources

You can use the drycc resources:update command to upgrade a new plan. An example of how to upgrade the plan’s capacity to 100MB:

$ drycc resources:update redis:10000 redis
Updating redis to scenic-icehouse... done

Remove the resource

If you don’t need resources, use drycc resources:unbind to unbind the resource and then use drycc resources:destroy to delete the resource from the application. Before deleting the resource, the resource must be unbinded.

$ drycc resources:unbind redis
Unbinding resource... done

$ drycc resources:destroy redis
Deleting redis from scenic-icehouse... done